Your nomad PDU has a Maximum regulated charge capacity of 25amp. This is the red circled anderson that you would charge from your DCDC.
YOU CANNOT charge at anything higher than 25amp , even by 1/2 an amp as this can cause a series break down in the unit and it may not fully charge back up. PLEASE NOTE: if you overcharge the unit ie higher than 25amp the unit will stop taking on charge and will need to be reset by drawing more than 1amp, then the unit will take on charge again.
DO NOT assume that a 25amp dcdc charger will charge at 25amp as they will go over and trip the nomad. IN addition if you have a fridge running while you are overcharging (exceeding 25amp) the unit will trip and reset continually until the BMS Shuts down permanently. Damaging the unit with this practice is not covered by warranty.
If you are lending the unit to a friend make sure they read the instructions which can be found on this website.